Our Proactive Health Plans
No question - this has been a year from... However, with every miserable thing that happens in life - is an opportunity to learn. I will always ask (gently and diplomatically!) someone with a chronic illness, "how did you know?" Looking back, were there any signs, that maybe we sloughed off as stress, age, or something else? How do these covid variants happen? Let's first have a crash course on virology. Viruses are probably the best example of our concept of " to infinity and beyond". They are the most abundant form of "life" on earth, and probably elsewhere! Exponential growth is an understatement. Literally, trillions to the power of another few trillion. A virus has a shell, capsid, which protects its viral material, or genome, safe. Some particularly resilient viruses such as Hep C, coronavirus, herpes, HIV have an extra protective coating referred to as envelopes. Viral envelopes hate soap, soap is their kryptonite, which is why washing with soa...