Craving for toned muscles? But not sure, which is the best way to build muscles? When you ask different people, you get different answers. While some rave about the benefits of combining multiple muscle groups at once, others ask you to isolate specific muscles and work on them. Confused who's right? Which should you do and why? Trainers at one of the best fitness center in Jaipur ask you to start with a simple research. Get your basics right about the exercises you intend to do. Classification of Weight Training Exercises How are weight training exercises classified? A common way is how a specific exercise trains your body and what muscle groups are being used. Having said that, exercises are divided into two groups: 1. Compound Exercises 2. Isolation Exercises Compound exercises require the combined effort of muscle groups and joints. For example, dips a popular compound exercise require the involvement of chest, triceps, and shoulders. Similarly, pull-ups need back and bi...